Monday, August 10, 2009


Today is the first day of school for three of my four.

Our little guy doesn't start until next week.

All of them have been at school for a couple hours now & I can honestly say that I don't miss them. Ha! It is possibly a little *too* quiet though. The little guy is trying to talk enough for all of them, I assure you.

At the top, you'll see photos of each of the kiddos by our front door. I take one each year. I figure it'll be a good visual of how much they've grown over the years.

I started this much earlier and now all are home. All are fed. And all are off to bed. There was no drama. They all were excited. David's "girlfriends" from last year are in his class. Daniel knows two girls in his class, but it will be up to him to make a new best friend as his moved over the summer. Bethany is the oldest in her class this year (how is that possible?). She only had one accident--but she also didn't sleep during nap time. I guess she thinks that now that she's the "big girl" she doesn't need those.

The little guy and I didn't do much around here today, but I figure that a little down time was just fine for us.

1 comment:

  1. The kids look amazing and happy as ever. I can't wait to see them again soon. I love you guys!!!

