Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This one had better not leave us..

I am so sick & tired of all of the blarney that we're still going through with our foster care stuff that we added a different type to our family.

We have a new frog!

After going to the toy store with a friend and her kids (it's the coolest toy store ever, by the way!), I told the kids that we could go to the pet store and pick out a fish. There were these adorable little frogs @ the toy store and I thought that a fish would be easier to maintain (a.k.a. keep alive). *BUT*, then we went to the pet store and saw the cute little frogs they had there.

So, we now welcome Spotty to our family. Bean is totally afraid of the thing. But the boys are in love. They want to touch and hold him all of the time. I'm hoping that as the newness wears off we'll be able to share this pet with a couple other families.

I never thought that I'd be the mom who doesn't care for pets. But that is what I am.

I love the dog and this new frog is cute, but I could live with a pet free home.

In other news, David is now bald!

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